The shape of things

I’ll keep it short today. 

I’ve been reflecting lately about the things that leave an impression that we cannot see. How we’re too close to our own behavior to see it from the outside, to see it objectively, and to see the impact it leaves on everyone around us. If we’re lucky, someone will point it out to us. 

That happened to me recently. I didn’t realize I was worrying about everything – big and small – and has it ever been exhausting. There’s certainly a lot of valid things to worry about lately. Coupling deep concern about national politics with stressing over spilled beer, though, and my mental health is taking a hit. 

So, I haven’t felt particularly creative or light-hearted. That’s okay. Instead, I decided to reflect on and share my obsession with shadow shapes and reflections. Both distort the truth. Both tell a story slightly different from the actual. Both hide details.

Creativity doesn’t have to be complicated or polished. Creativity is to satisfy you. These are moments I noticed in passing and captured with my phone.

Both also hold truths that we should pay attention to. 

On those difficult, heavy days, please pay attention to your body and rest. Breathe. Save your strength for another day. To fight, to create, to love. 

We can win. Let’s go.


Word of the day: curiosity.